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Bisping (57930)
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Plan de Bisping

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Note moyenne pour Bisping
  1. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    That is because Brock was melrey handed his championship. He didn't do real hard work like rest. They knew with Brock (HUGE in WWE) being the champ, that would rake in alot of money. It was set up that way. Carwin: 12-0 then he gets a shot, Cain: 8-0 then he gets a shot Brock: 3-1 and he gets a shot??? It set up on purpose. Granted the actual fights weren't set up. But statically Brock would and did beat Couture. It's a money game. Brock is good, that's it. Brock isn't great [url=]kaztzzttixn[/url] [link=]dsvwwaox[/link]

  2. j'aime bien cette ville !

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  3. je suis fan de cette ville !

    This "free sharing" of inroamftion seems too good to be true. Like communism.

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